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Old 2010-01-22, 05:19   Link #812
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
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Age: 39
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Originally Posted by quigonkenny View Post
Not possible. Every time he's in this forum it's "I'm a fan of the series" this and "I want it to succeed" that, but it's all just a setup for more bitching and furthering of the godawful stupid premise that KyoAni and Kadokawa are trying to kill the franchise, because that's all it ever results in. Obvious troll is obvious.
I have no idea where you got that pointless goal in mind, especially considering that I was one of the people who stated that I don't think they are trying to ruin the franchise (partially because I don't think that's actually possible following Endless Eight where people cheered that only Kyoani could get away with such a thing like they'd just accomplished some incredibly virtuous feat ), just that they need to get back to basics and honest to god effort as opposed to marketing and other gimmicks.

Now what's really going on is that I was keeping it simple and straight with my lack of an impression based off of the failure of the promotional campaign to leave me with one so far. As always it takes a little more than the prospect of getting to see Yuki be an emotional wreck/otaku wish fulfillment character, something that seems to have gotten the regular crowd so psyched up, for me to want to stick it out with an almost 3 hour movie.

Lastly and quite frankly I don't really care if the franchise succeeds or not cause I know it'll make tons of money no matter what they do with it (thank you Endless Eight for proving what had once just been a crazy theory of mine), I just want them to bloody well make a solid entry that will actually measure up to a fraction of it's hype for a change. And yes I do realize that this may in fact not be possible since this is Haruhi level hype we are talking about so I wouldn't even particularly mind settling for something that at the end of it all will make me look back and say "you know what I'm glad I decided to devote 3 hours of my life to this instead of doing something else".

Pretty basic expectations here wouldn't you think? Now imagine all I have to go off of in terms of what to base these expectations off of are a series of still images and some nice music and perhaps you'll see why they continue to be frustrated.

I may be getting ahead of myself here (and I certainly hope I'm proven to not be otherwise I may just end up dying a little inside in the coming months) having not actually seen the scene in question as it's meant to be presented in the movie, but that actually looks like some honest to god effort and maybe even a bit on an artistic side I can appreciate (now I'm almost certain I'm getting ahead of myself, but eh....). It kind of looks like they've done the backgrounds the same way as with Tatsunoko's Karas where they took real world images and traced over them with animation software in order to create a lifelike animated representation of the image. It's like a sort of stationary rotoscoping.

God damn if the animation style/consistency in this franchise doesn't fluctuate more wildly then the temperature of Mercury though.
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