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Old 2010-01-22, 19:45   Link #19
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
Originally Posted by Kaioshin Sama View Post
I'd also call this a slice of life long before I would Sora No Woto, but then again I have an entirely different definition for the term then most people seem to.
Dhurarara!! I'd say is a drama [or would-be drama] which is to say its a slice of life but can't be called one, and while it has a story the emotional bits are what you should be concerned with. Heh, honestly I think we are in the era of "nobody really knows what Tv genre's are anymore". Sora no Woto and similar shows are imo closest to what can be called a modern animated soap opera, modern, given the more neutral less cliche dramatic tone -- and like drama its "a flavor of slice of life". But well, this is one of those things I feel everyone else will disagree with me given there apparently some stigma/complex to watching things called that (lol).

Regarding the rest of what you said, honestly find your comments to be on the borderline to mindless trolling a lot of the time in episode threads, but given your comments just now, could it be you instinctively just hate shows with girls and like shows with guys?
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