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Old 2010-01-29, 12:57   Link #832
Join Date: Jun 2009
The fact that they might have the same yoma blood doesn't neccesarilly entail that they are the same type of warrior, at least imho that is. In any case there is no doubt that Deneve is a defensive type and I always thought of Helen as being as obviously "offense" as Deneve is obviously "defense" ... Did I miss something there and Helen being a defensiv-type is seriously under discussion?

Anyways... some parts of that spoiler are not that far fetched but even though we all know how Yagi likes playing around with the "twin-image" I seriously doubt that our infamous double might pull of a joined awakening. Yagi took so much pain to point out how hard it is to establish a proper soul-link via the description of Alicia and Beth... and how it was Clare's unique abilities as "claymore-inside prototype" that made it possible for her to enter Raciella's mind... he'd have to bend over backwards like stupid to make it plaussible that Helen&Deneve just go all out and turn into a beautiful twin-butterfly.

By the way, there wouldn'T per chance be any news on the spoiler front? I mean, if the first fake's out since yesterday, where the hell is the second?
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