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Old 2010-01-30, 14:22   Link #321
Is this dangerous??
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Unknown Void, M'sia

Originally Posted by Heatth View Post

A more fitting theory would be "aliens has colored hair", but then Tsuruya doesn't fit.
Lol .Those "alien has colored hair" statement suddenly makes me think of Ep 6 of Haruhi-chan no yuutsu.

Originally Posted by edkedkedk View Post
Since the movie will be coming out in less than a month, I thought I'll take the chance to talk about Yuki!

I'm sure most people will agree with me when I say that Yuki is the most tragic character out of the series. Granted, she has A LOT of character development, but most of them only serve to create heart-wrenching feelings (or to me, anyway). And no, Mikuru being bullied by Haruhi doesn't even come close.

And perhaps the most saddening thing is that despite her awesome powers, she can never change her situation. She's merely here to observe, after all. And then there's Kyon, whom she follows loyally. At the end of the day, she will always sacrifice her interests for him, no matter what they are, like in
Spoiler for Disappearance:

PS: Sorry about this rant about Yuki. I'm just feeling indignant for her after reading Disappearance
The reversing of the world might be because of her love to Kyon. Some might argue that the reason why she create alternate world is for Kyon who wants a normal life(mainly kyonxyuki shippers) as well as to be normal. The backup part... I kinda agree with you.
Yes, the disappearance arc makes many people sad including me. But I think the novel shows huge character development for Yuki as well as Kyon. That novel make me fall in love with Yuki (in fanboy/girl sense)more .Anybody, dont misunderstood

Now the alt!Yuki pic make me SQUEE!!! Cant decide which one is better though. the alt one or the normal one. both has their awesomeness
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