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Old 2010-02-02, 05:47   Link #2002
Hopeless Dreamer
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: On bended knee asking Belldandy to marry me
Shishido Akiha has joined my party. She is one that got left in her box for a few weeks because I was organizing things. Glad I finally got her out. I think she's totally cool. That dynamic forward leaning pose has me concerned, though. We shall see how that foot pin holds out.

I just grabbed a snapshot of her, because I found some far better images of her here.

Oh, and getting back to dust for a minute... has anyone ever tried using cans of compressed air? You know.... the one you can buy for cleaning out your computer, with the plastic straw you plug into the nozzle. I have before, with any left over air from the computer use. I seems to work good as long as you keep a little distance between the nozzle and the figure.

Heh, I accidentally blew Yuki Nagato's glasses right out of her hand and sent the sailing across the living room. Had to get on hands and knees to find them. No harm done, though.

Anyhow.... just more thoughts on dealing with dust.
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