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Old 2010-02-06, 17:27   Link #2789
Join Date: May 2009
Location: LV-426
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Neat Hedgehog View Post
Wow. How hard do people hit the gas when they start to back up? You'd really have to floor it to manage something like that.
Yea, really terrible driving.

I think most automatic cars move fast enough on tickover (my dads automatic diesel does anyway), so anyone trying to reverse simply eases off the brakes. Hitting the gas pedal to such an extent that it slams straight through a wall is just wow.

This'll be even crazier if it's a manual though... slipping on the clutch usually just stalls the car. Slipping on the gas doesn't do much if you got the clutch depressed. Doing both at the same time and not stalling the car while plowing through a wall is just world class.
Tsubasa Hanekawa of Bakemonogatari
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