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Old 2010-02-06, 19:13   Link #901
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Don't tell me she's not? Well, that sounds like a challenge

This might go slightly off topic from the language idea, but I can never resist discussing character interpretations for ANY unit, let alone my favorite.

First off, I CAN'T tell you she's not trying to attract men period for two reasons - 1) Character interpretation differs from person to person (and with as much room as VC gives for the minor characters, they can differ wildly and STILL all be correct), and 2) She's an 18/19 year old straight woman. However, I CAN make an argument as to the source of her use of the language and the extent to which she's attempting to attract men (as you said it was her focus).

First point: Potentials. Obviously she's going to be into men as an 18 year old woman - however, I would argue the extent of that and say that that's no more a motive for her than any other woman in the Squad (except two...). She doesn't have the "Fancy's Men" potential. Her buddy Cherry does (along with Freesia). In fact, knowing Ramona, I'd say her obsession with beauty doesn't stem from a desire to attract the opposite sex - it stems from narcissism, which I would consider an even greater personality flaw. Her looks give her status (regardless of the sex she's getting it from), and she's letting that get to her head.

Second point: When she uses the lines. It's very possible that the VC world's equivalent to French could be taught in their schools, however, I would argue that the times she uses the language indicate that the language wasn't a skill she acquired later in life. She only uses the French line when she's critically wounded - a very dire situation. Generally in such situations, people fall back to what they know or are used to. It is likely that if her French was a front or something she used because of its "romantic language" status she would use the lines in situations in which there was little risk of death. Her regular potentials. However, when she's injured it's likely that her front would be the first thing to fade, and she'd revert back to what she's most comfortable with.

Then again, that's just one of many possible interpretations, and I'm not saying yours is wrong ("This one's sealed with a kiss!" seems to point towards what you've said). There are many ways to interpret the characters, and I'm just trying to point out that you CAN in fact argue against her having a focus on trying to attract men

Still, your point stands that French of course could be taught, and that it is one of the few confirmed languages in the game (and the only one that's explicitly confirmed).
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