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Old 2010-02-15, 02:13   Link #6
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Location: East Cupcake
Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
Well, Blackbeard's technically still a Shichibukai, isn't he? He hasn't "officially" renounced his position like Jinbei has, so it's sort of possible that the marines may still recognize him as an ally......
How could they after he attacked Impel Down? Or, if they haven't heard of Blackbeard's betrayal (which is possible, considering that the comm station was destroyed by Bon Clay), they would distrust him for abandoning his post (he was suposed to be fighting against Whitebeard) or simply arriving with such well known criminals.

side thought: It would be cool if Blackbeard came to the battle/war to turn in his formal registration to Sengoku .

Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
Yeah, she should be one of them, along with "Giant Battleship" San Juan Wolf and "Big Drunk" Basco Shot (just mentioned the names again in case anyone else forgot the legendary prisoners Iva had mentioned in Impel Down). I'm also quite interested in learning who that fifth person may be......
Fisher Tiger .

Yeah, San Juan Wolf and Basco Shot were the only other big name criminals mentioned to be residing in Level 6, so it stands to reason that they would be the most likely contenders (along with Catarina ) for Blackbeard's crew...still, all I care about is Catarina .
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