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Old 2010-02-15, 02:28   Link #7
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by james0246 View Post
How could they after he attacked Impel Down? Or, if they haven't heard of Blackbeard's betrayal (which is possible, considering that the comm station was destroyed by Bon Clay), they would distrust him for abandoning his post (he was suposed to be fighting against Whitebeard) or simply arriving with such well known criminals.

Well, he could always use the excuse of fetching reinforcements..... whom would just so happen to be a group of legendary criminals, that's all.

Fisher Tiger .

What, so Ace's death means that flashback characters have permission to rise from the grave, now?

Anyway, speaking of the fifth person, I notice quite a few at AP are speculating that it may be Roche Tomson (the name of a level 5 prisoner that appears on a prisoner list in chapter 536). I guess it's possible, but.... eh. I'd kinda prefer to see someone who's completely new (I.e. someone we've never seen or heard of before)......

Last edited by marvelB; 2010-02-15 at 02:43.
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