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Old 2010-02-19, 14:04   Link #7
Hare Hare Sera Fuku!
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Sunny Singapore
Age: 32
Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post

Also, one thing I strongly dislike is...

1) How some Haruhi fans talk about KyoAni "trolling", and...

2) Talk about this like it's a good thing.

I think the "trolling" argument is overstated.

Viral marketing may very well have been something that KyoAni was guilty of, but I'm not sure if I would call that "trolling", per se.

I myself dislike trolling; it's irritating and often get the fans' hopes up for nothing. But I have accepted that KyoAni's style of 'trolling' has actually become one of their signature moves, and I use it freely and casually in a joking manner. If that upsets you I apologize.

But KyoAni's 'trolling' is also good in the sense that they actually care about the series enough to create 'troll-material'. I myself haven't experienced much of the so-called trolling, but I believe that while there's a brief period of disappointment after the truth is revealed, I look forward to them actually producing the things they hype. Think of it as a stepping stone to the actual thing, if you will.

Originally Posted by spawnofthejudge View Post
I think practically everything you said is more applicable to Kadokawa (other than the fact that K-ON! is a cash cow for KyoAni). KyoAni doesn't do merch or stuff like that. They're just an animation studio.

But that line has tended to be blurred around here. Does anyone have any insight into precisely the way it works between a Production company and a Studio?
I don't know much about how that works, but remember; if Kadokawa earns more money out of it, the more willing they'll be to finance future episodes, which in turn translates to revenue and profit for KyoAni.
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