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Old 2010-03-01, 16:56   Link #50
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Originally Posted by Shiek927 View Post
It could be just an exaggeration; their was no indication of night, so it definitely wasn't a full 24 hours. Maybe it's just close to sundown, and that's why it's a "whole day".

As for the symbols, we've seen some that look unbelievably similar(Priscilla/Teresa, Clarice/Claire etc), when all of them are formed from a single bar in the middle, they start to all look the same. Ophelia's stand out the most for having a circle.

Yeah, odds are Rafaela is the one involved; can't fault Deneve for not knowing about that. She really was the leader in this one
Yep there is no way 24 have passed but I really doubt more than 2 hours have really passed since the Destroyer launched the first volley. I mean for Riful to manage to not die for that long, for Yuma and Cynthia to run for that long without meating any resistance until they reached Beth, for Prissy to kill the 3 was really fast. So it was probably just a figure of speach.

And about the symbols both Teresa/ Prissy and Clarice/Clare have a obvious difference even if they are similar whereas Noel/Teresa are basically the same with maybe they main bar(line) being a bit shorter (it porbably just looks like that since all the main lines are the same length). That's why I find it so wiered. In the anime it was changed a bit but in the manga I don't see any difference. I'll probably post the two side by side later cause now I just can't do it.
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