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Old 2010-03-02, 09:56   Link #2284
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Location: Toronto, Canada
Originally Posted by pauldy View Post
Well i found the Novel in the Baka Tsuki website, but the translation seems to have halted.. anyways i have read some chapters

Anyways i think i might like the novels more. I dunno, it's a bit more dark than the Fanservice driven anime series..

Honestly though, if there's another Strike witches anime coming, i wished it would just retell the story..

Something more similar to the OVA wherein the girls had the "Familiar" system and wearing skirts & shorts when not on standby xD
That novel vol. 1 is only about 70% translated, but you shall see how lovely the story is with Elizabeth's actions later in the novel......Season 2 is highly unlikely to follow the novel based on what they have been telling us on magazines.......Nor it is going to follow the manga route (the Nyantype one).....

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
Actually according to him IIRC at first he had no real sensation of falling because he was basically jumping into space. He only really started to feel it as he passed through like 90,000 and was decelerating IIRC.

Also I forgot to mention two rather blindingly important aspect of piston engine fighter maneuvering: speed and overspeed.
Spoiler for More rambling:
Yeah I am a bit more familiar with Japanese produced WW2 is like the Lotus Elise base model with a chassis made out of paper: very light body gives it good handling in low altitudes, but the feeble engine and the body is no good anywhere else. It doesn't has the power to make planes go fast and even if they do, their rudders froze at high speeds and you crash. You take one bullet in the non-self-sealing tank you explode and die. I would say Japan is a bit of a late starter in aviation technology so even with limited German help Japan still couldn't manage heavy-duty planes from USA or Europe....I know quite a few Japanese planes did try turbocharging their planes but as far as I know they have yet to succeed. Their jet/(hot/cold something turbine with ? stoff mixing with ? stoff which explodes if you put one in the other tank) engines are weaker and more fragile than western products as they lack the technology or the material to do it right. The Mitsubishi J8M Shūsui or the Nakajima "Kikka" (equivalents to Me 262 A-1a fighter type) are just example....
I am just a normal Canadian......watching anime doesn't mean I am hentai or something.....

I am nobody, just a simple resource cabinet.....
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