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Old 2010-03-07, 11:01   Link #2
Le fou, c'est moi
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA
Age: 34
It's interesting, alright. I actually disliked both Inu Neko Jump and Umisho. I didn't like her short-haired, perverted, somehow rather annoying lead girls very much at all, but the heroine here is quite, hm, different. It has potential to be both a morbid romantic comedy or an outright tragedy, one way or another, because of her drastic circumstances.

Said circumstances, though, annoyed me. I'm willing to forgive it for now as a necessary pace-setter, but it'd better be resolved soon, preferably bloodily if you know what I mean.

There are elements which I didn't care for very much in the manga -- Miss Extraneous Childhood Friend (who unfortunately looks and acts lot like the mangaka's earlier heroines), the annoying best friends (argh, the perverted friend cliché!), and that unfortunate thing about our heroine's life -- but I'm willing to stick this out for at least a few chapters because the romance in the first few chapters was pretty wonderfully done so far. Their romance's not very deep, yet, but it's sweet and plausible with its own Romeo & Juliet charm.
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