Thread: Nanoha - Q&A
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Old 2010-03-07, 19:21   Link #1938
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Originally Posted by Kaijo View Post
Well, I once thought as you and had people tell me things worked differently than I thought they did. When pressed, they too said the facts were in different languages and to do my own research, which I did, heh.

But as I said, if you feel the wikia is just guessing, then delete things and give your reasoning. Because a lot of that information was taken from sources like Japanese magazines and such, and thus can't really be put up as a linked source. You can see with that one link, that there are Japanese words for things like the Warring Ages, because the source was in Japanese.
The problem is that you haven't shown the translation, and that what you are saying directly contradicts Official Sources.
This is the best we've got at the moment. You're welcome to ignore it, but I feel it fills in a LOT of gaps and makes sense in the overall scheme of things. I will bet that Vivid ultimately will show that, too, because it's already showed some things that were in the wikia before Vivid confirmed it. Occam's Razor means a lot of things do make sense, too.
Except it *doesn't* make sense, and that "making sense" isn't enough in a fact thread.

But you're also faced with the prospect that not everything is going to line up nicely. Case in point: Schach says Vivio's DNA comes from 300 years ago. Einhart says Olive lived 100 years ago. Figure that out, heh.
Heh, don't remember that.
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