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Old 2010-03-09, 04:52   Link #9
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Thessaloniki - Greece
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Nah, making something scary has gone much harder to do properly. I used to be afraid of the Aliens (the movies) but now it is just pop-corn material. Real fear is now of the unknown type. A monster is scary when you DON'T see it rather than making it as ugly as possible. Think of monsters in Resident Evil next to the ones in Silent Hill. The later ones are damn scarier because you DON'T clearly see them in the fog or the dark.

So when the idustry is making monster that must be seen a lot, they make them as sexy as possible because sex sells. They aim to make them exotic by having Charisma 22 and 25 ranks in Charm rather than Intimidate, if you get my drift.

The most vivid example I know are Elves who in traditional folclore stories are dangerous and deceiptful being that plague men but in MMORPGs they now turned to this sex symbol Many Men Online Role Play Girls trope.
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