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Old 2010-03-13, 15:50   Link #6512
Stüldt Hĺjt!
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: On the corner
Age: 34
Damn, there's whole lotta stupid right there. Makes me feel glad that I live in Finland.

It takes a lot for the children to filter all that bullshit. Of course, they don't even know they're reading bullshit, and if someone tells them not to trust school books, the authority of teachers / school books might be questioned to the point of not simply believing in them.

I mean, it's a fundamental question: who to believe and why ? Actually, it's a question of evidence: focus on the evidence and not on the person presenting it. Educators / policy makers should be more concerned about teaching critical thinking from a young age. It's a fundamental skill in today's society.

All this talk about religion and politics affecting education makes me appreciate my parents' decision not to indoctrinate any particular faith in to me.
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