Thread: Licensed Rosario to Vampire
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Old 2010-03-31, 13:39   Link #2166
Team Spice and Wolf UK
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: England
Age: 36
Originally Posted by DragoZERO View Post
Manga >>>> Anime. Luckily this first season isn't that bad compared to the second. It's just the lost potential is frustrating.

I am planning on watch this again now that we have BD releases.
Yeah I get where you're coming from. Actually, bar a few minor changes, so far on the manga Im up to, the anime is actually fairly true to what happens in the manga bar a few minor edits, I'd certainly say its not the worst book->show I've ever seen by a long shot, and some of the things that got a little repetetive in the anime (transformation sequences) are actually there to a degree in the manga too, but then the second season did seem like it was probably further from the manga anyway as there seemed to be less overall plot development, and it avoided the blood thing almost entirely, which...well seemed a bit off, as thats a major part of vampire mythos, this series or not.

Either way, the show is a bit of a laugh and portrays itself in a way that doesnt try to make you think its anything else and thats why/what I watched the show for, so I dont really feel like I lost out or anything, and from what I hear its probably better to have watched the anime before the manga anyway, because its easier to enjoy them that way!
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