Thread: Dating
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Old 2010-03-31, 21:34   Link #4050
Ricky Controversy
Frandle & Nightbag
Join Date: Oct 2009
Originally Posted by Mystique View Post
So even if you can't dedicate as much time into the relationship as you'd like, but she's all for supporting you through your really stressful period, (which means, she'll definitely know to chill on the fun/lovey stuff cause she'll be concerned for you) then why actually 'break up'?
Isn't supporting the ones you care about all part of being in a relationship as well? Or rather, is it tying into something related with your self-confidence issue. Not wanting to 'burden' her with your issues?

Something doesn't sit right here RB, I don't know particular details, but all it sounds like to me is that you've shut a friend out, first and foremost. No one is really gonna be in a 'perfect' state while in a relationship (albiet, there are better states of emotional and mental health before getting into a relationship) - but you were already with her and she I'm sure is fully aware, so where or what is the key point here for you to actually cut off a support line to help you get through your really tough moments?[/QUOTE]

Since I think this can be enlightening entirely on its own, try to imagine that perhaps support is not the nature of what is being given. Perhaps instead of actual support--which is as much about being able to let go as it is being able to be there in the trenches--it is affection being offered selfishly, without regard to the circumstances, without regard to the other person's direct statements and requests.

Now plug that into the variable instead of support and see how justified it is. I think this is likely where the issue lies. This is what my intuition and experience would suggest.
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