Thread: Licensed B Gata H Kei
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Old 2010-04-04, 09:16   Link #78
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Originally Posted by edkedkedk View Post
Does she even have any examples to compare with to judge hers as... 'weird'?
That's why in my first post the first thing I said she should do is get her girl friends together for a party/sleepover/whatever she wants to call it so long as she has an excuse. Once they're together, at some point she'd mention that she was concerned that she looked weird 'down there'. Since they're all girls, they probably wouldn't mind helping her out by showing theirs and looking at hers. If they all look different or say it is weird, then she'll know that she might want to talk to a doc; if they all look just as weird, she can rest easy. BTW, I doubt it's a matter of hair. People grow at different rates and have different end results; the fact that she is still the same as when she was younger probably wouldn't seem so strange. It might, of course, be that she has a TON of hair. I've seen several non-adult shows/movies where some girls are teased because they have so much hair. Take Neo Ranga for instance. On a beach episode, the heroine's friends bury her in the sand then sculpt a mock body over her; she immediately starts shouting because they put several armfuls of seaweed on that region, and tries to run them down when they try to argue that that's how she really is...
I'd say this is almost definitely going to very gradually go from her wanting to get Kosuda and then 99 others to wanting Kosuda alone, still with a very strong sexual aspect, and gradually toward sex being a part of her desire to be with him, rather than her clinging to him in hopes that things will lead to sex. And it doesn't matter if it's cliche, almost everything follows well-established patterns these days; it's a matter of how you play out those patterns that really matters.
I've been thinking about how this story differs from others, and decided that there's one more step along this line:

Seriously, someone should pull Kosuda aside and give him a crash course in Yamada psychology.
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