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Old 2010-04-16, 14:43   Link #16
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Neither Here nor There
Age: 39
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This definitely isn't meant to be an old versus new topic that I started because I realize that's been done to death and probably won't go anywhere useful. It's actually a general observation of the entire fandom.

bayoab's "collectivized and hostile" makes a lot of sense to me. A lot of what I labelled stupidity could be better described as clique-ism or an us versus them mentality that won't lead anywhere useful when mashed up against others with the same mentality. I guess you could say that I think anime viewers are becoming a lot more like gamers who buy into the whole console wars propaganda or Soccer fans during the World Cup or really any game between two major clubs.

The problem is that when I run into them (a lot more often lately) they assume I'm like them and just refuse to get it when I try to talk reason. It used to frustrate me to a degree, but now I've just kind of stopped caring. This is bad too though because I notice that as a result of not caring it's kind of driving me back into a clique of personal tastes and a comfort zone when I'd rather still be exploring new ones.
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