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Old 2010-04-18, 23:27   Link #59
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: New Zealand
We've got previous evidence f Kotonoha's instability, when she refused to accept Makoto's abandonment of her. The fact that she's insane does not mean she's unable to function, it simply means she is unable to function as a sane person. Sane people do not decapitate their boyfriend's corpse and go out on a nice boat with it. So we've got the evidence that she's insane and delusional.

She had a meat cleaver, not a scalpel, and was looking for something the size of a pea. In the dark. With blood everywhere. These are not autopsy conditions. Even a good doctor would find such an examination difficult. She chopped open Sekai as part of her delusion, and then proclaimed that Sekai wasn't pregnant. Sekai may not have been pregnant, but she may have. We cannot draw a conclusion from Kotonoha's judgement.
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