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Old 2010-04-27, 06:34   Link #304
TSAB Enforcer
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Originally Posted by LVD View Post
Oi, don't forget to mention that Vita's stage is a swimming pool and people get to wear school swimsuits~ Also, leaving the Nanoha related DLC bits to you then.

>> 104mb
Wtf mate, lol. Okay, skipping Bind Breaker THAT BIKINI FFF

Now that I know how to use themes, definitely using this. It has pretty much everyone in A's! Nanoha, Hayate, Fate, Reinforce, Shamal, Signum, Arf, Zafira in wolf mode, Yuuno in ferret mode and it even has Alisa and Suzuka holding hands! o:

Signum's Clock: Stage undoukai/sports festival

1) Jumps over hurdles three times before sliding.
Fail: Runs through, then cleaves the next hurdle in half, trips and rolls.

2) Start position, jog, dash then slide. Cute nod at the end.
Fail: Sprains ankle, but keeps going! Shocked look on face.

3) Takes out the sword and does a few jump attacks with it by a bonfire.
Fail: .... Swings her sword around.

4) Tamaire - the red and white balls into basket thing.
Fail: Misses a few balls and gets a sad face going on.

5) Cheerleading Signum = my mind just got blown.
Fail: Falls at the end.

6) Tamakorogashi - Signum pushing around a giant red ball, sees a flower up ahead, runs ahead of the ball and kicks it away as it gets closer to the flower.
Fail: Signum gets run over.

With Fate:
RACE. Signum dash ahead!
Fail: Fate wins. And she won a lot when I was trying to see Signum's reaction to winning. Fate's all happy either way, lol.

With Hayate:
Refer to Signum's #3. =w=;

Fate with Signum: .... Signum in the school uniform is weird, but anyway....
Fate's swinging Bardiche around and Signum's just sort of there and claps at the end.
Fail: Fate falls, but her giggle and bow are cute.

Hayate with Signum:
That thing where Signum brings out a tray with a cake and stuff.
Fail: Tripping moe.
-salutes- Roger that~.

1) Hurdles: with Nanoha
Pass: Jumps all the hurdles, Nanoha is happy
Fail: Slashes all the hurdles, Nanoha scolds.

2) Nanoha's DLC with Signum
Pass: Nanoha sleeps, while Signum sneaks passed her, then nods to herself
Fail: Nanoha sleeps, Signum sneaks passed, Nanoha wakes up immediately and goes the other way. Signum disappointed.

Signum in a Maid many things I can say about that. Though seriously...Signum many things that could be said about that.
Though, Signum in the Elementary School uniform?
Signum in the Midoriya Cafe uniform.
Signum in bloomers.
And standard Signum in her Barrier Jacket.

Signum telling time.
Rokuji Sanjuu Yonpun Desu - 06:34pm Desu

For some reason I keep thinking that Desu part she says is somewhat forced. Since all the other DLCs have their respective endings to it.

Nanoha and Fate end it with "Dayo"
Hayate ends it with "Yade"
Signum ends it with "Desu"

I'm a bit curious what Vita will say in hers later...
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