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Old 2010-04-28, 20:25   Link #967
Uu~ Let's solve a riddle
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Germany
Originally Posted by Judoh View Post
Spoiler for for lyrics:
Indeed. At first didn't even notice that there shouldn't be German words in the English subs because... well if you see it everywhere anyway ... Then I thought that was some weird new Youtube "translation" feature added for the numbers until I saw its also on the video description
Well I would never have guessed that is supposed to sound german anyway
Wonder why the group put this in there as Umineko never had any use of coolness german (neither in talking, nor in lyrics) IIRC.

And before anyones asking if this could be a way to the add more meaning to this often discussed number: Just forget it!
Cross my mind for a second but after all a silly thought as you cannot play with such words in German the same way the Japanese like to do with their language in all those mystery riddles....
In the end its just for the lulz I guess.
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