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Old 2010-05-02, 15:16   Link #225
Me, An Intellectual
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: UK
Age: 33
Only just watched this episode now, and I have to say I honestly don't remember the last time my sides hurting from so much laughter. The first half was beyond awesome.

The second half was just too sad. I really just feel sorry for Tenshi. And it didn't feel jarring in anyway either, because it was an expected event follwing the first half.

The new big bad appearing, was quite surprising. I really do hope the team decides to let Tenshi join.

Yep, this is the first Angel Beats episode, i've given a perfect 10 for. The ebst episode so far (and coincidently, no TK Engrish, either)

Last edited by Haak; 2010-05-02 at 16:37.
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