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Old 2010-05-06, 08:49   Link #50
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 42
That first chapter of Rinko Days....I haven't felt that spellbound by something new in the manga scene for more than once in the last three years or so. Rinko was even more awesome than I thought she would be! Art is decent, the guy is a good person. Some hilarious moments, some touching, revealing moments. The vibe Rinko puts out is so very different from what is done with females in anime/manga today...she is a very potent mix, feels very unique. The emptiness in her eyes most times says so much without having to spell it out in words. Despite her tsundere-like nature, there's something very calming about the way she looks. Yet it seems like being with her would be a lot of fun and never dull - that the unexpected would happen but it would so be worth it.

Well, Chapter 2 on June 9. Can't wait!
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