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Old 2010-05-08, 15:42   Link #123
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Originally Posted by DmonHiro View Post
Actually...this kind of bothers me. They know she's been making her skills. Why isn't anyone else doing the same? If I just learned that it is possible for me to create my own super-powers/equipment, I'd spend all day figuring out how. And since I can already make stuff out of dirt, I'd eventually figure it out. Why isn't anyone doing that?

She was around for years, if not for hundred years (who said time of "purgatory" is equivalent to normal time?), Naoi was there for years (making prison for tenshi took her years, in that time she developed her own geass), SSS was there probably for few months at best (considering they seem tyo be kind of ignorant to the mechanics of the world) and got to know about "tenshi" not being an angel and her power not coming from good, few hours ago.
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