Thread: Nanoha - Q&A
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Old 2010-05-12, 13:25   Link #2039
"Hey, Isaac?"
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Pennsylvania. It's sort of like a real state.
Age: 39
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I have a question concerning Alicia Testarossa, which may or may not become relevant to a fanfic I'm writing.

I keep hearing that she was significantly less powerful, magically, than Fate. Has the reason for this ever been established? Was her magical potential legitimately lower than Fate's, or is the discrepancy simply due to the fact that Fate recieved intense training her whole life and Alicia did not (Alicia died at age five, after all. I doubt Precia put her through in-depth combat training in her toddler years)?

If someone could direct me to an answer, I'd really appreciate it.
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