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Old 2010-05-16, 01:27   Link #1787
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Hyrule
Age: 51
Originally Posted by The Small One View Post
Okay, and what about creating metal out of thin air?

Father did it, when he repaired Al's armor, the first time they met him. And Al himself did it, when he was fighting Pride and Kimblee using the Philosopher's stone. If it's not fusion, then what was this?
With the Philosopher Stone (human souls), you can break the rules. Since Father and Hoho are walking Philosopher Stones, so can they. Every time we see alchemy by someone who isn't using a Stone or souls (blue sparks in the anime) it's always chemical and molecular manipulation. No changing elements, no creation from nothing, no fusion/fission/nuclear anything. The only time we see those effects (like in your two examples) is with soul (Stone) alchemy (red sparks in the anime). If you want to suggest that soul alchemy allows for manipulation of protons/neutrons/electrons/etc. (changing air to metal rather than creating it out of nothing, for example), that would also explain all the soul alchemy (outside of Gate travel) that we've seen.

It's really fairly simple...
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