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Old 2010-05-26, 21:24   Link #1918
Zok, Biff, Pow, Wham.
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Valencia, Venezuela
Originally Posted by Reckoner View Post
So when they turn characters like Asuka into your typical Tsundere rather than the bitch we all knew and loved, it is disheartening... Why? Because Rebuild, while trying to attract a new audience, is geared mainly towards the fans of the original. They are banking on old fandom to catch on fire and make them money.

If they were not trying to do so, why call this series Evangelion? Look. I have no problem with a reimagining of the plot. But they should not destroy many of the elements that made Evangelion what it was. The pacing, the characters, the relationships...

The one thing I can forgive the movies for, is the awkward pacing. They have less time to fit in everything they want. But dear lord, do not change the characters. I'm bracing myself for moe Rei, Tsundere Asuka, pointless Mari, and Shinji-Lagann in this movie... As these seem to be the main complaints of old Evangelion fans... But at least the movies provide great eye candy for the angel battles... Zzzz/
I still can see enough of old Asuka in the new Asuka to like her all the same, and ditto for most of the original EVA feel. Really, people. She's about as far from original Asuka as the manga version is, even if in a somewhat different direction. That's all.

Mari shouldn't be judged as pointless before her role in the full picture is shown. At this point, we are at only half of the story; jumping the gun on these things is useless. So far, she has done enough to establish herself without stealing the spotlight away from the old guard; if she had been given more screentime, the same Unpleasable Fanbase who is now calling her pointless would be calling her Mary Sue instead.

And Shinji can't catch a break either. If GAR-needing fandom isn't calling him a wuss, then they are calling him a Simon copy.
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