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Old 2010-05-27, 15:04   Link #1624
Gah Herrick
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2010

Sup people, I'd like to post about a game that I'm currently playing called UCGO (Universal Century Gundam Online).

As you may have guessed (obviously) from the topic title it's a Gundam MMORPG, it was a Japanese MMORPG which got shut down a few years ago and has been revived.

I play on the side of Zeon and love raiding the Feddie Cities.

Me with my team leader, my Gouf is behind us.

Here's a couple of old videos I shot as a feddie, posted on my old youtube account.

To play the game head to

If you decide to play and choose to be a Zeon player, message me or reply here at which city you started and I'll come try and help you get started.

SIEG ZEON! Shlaterz.
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