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Old 2010-05-30, 18:08   Link #7257
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Thessaloniki - Greece
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It is an anime (duh) of really old style (70's), in color, and had to do with alien invasion.

The good guys actually use the Japanese military to attack the alien outposts, which are rotating turret cannons, on mountain tops. The human army separates to groups and each attack by ground a turret.

The aliens are just blue skinned humans in appearance ... and it ain't the Yamato's aliens, I checked.

They fire at the humans, killing one of the teams. Another team gets in a turret, kills the aliens with machine guns and uses it to blow up a turret next to it. A third turret fires at them, killing them as well. Another team throws grenades inside, destroying the third turret.

At the meantime, the alien team leader is a woman in tight leather, ordering other teams to attack. A critter of some sorts (I think it was a cat) sabotages the com link and is chased by the woman, until she somehow trips and get killed by electrocution or something. She dies and melts in the same way that chick in the old Flash Gordon film did (I bet it's a direct tribute to that).

It looked like Leiji work, as it aired on a children's show in Italy (RaiUno I think) during the mid 80's, along with Yamato (which I still point out it wasn't as there was no mascot animal there)

So, any ideas?
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