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Old 2010-05-31, 11:31   Link #7502
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: CH aka Chocaholic Heaven
Age: 40
Originally Posted by justinstrife View Post
Israel needs to stop stealing Palestinian land? Exactly when was Palestine a functioning country during the past 70 years? When has Palestine tried to do anything other than lob rockets at Israel, launch suicide attacks in Pizzeria's, and capture Israeli soldiers only to torture and kill them later?

Israel has turned a plot of desert land into a civilization. Too bad the monkeys that surround them don't have the brains or strength to do the same. They'd rather rape, kill, slaughter others like they have been for centuries.
Well yeah, pretty much like how the settlers in America came into a virgin land and made it into the great nation it is today, too bad for the "savages". Discounting the fact that this place was already the cradle of our common civilization, with many of the world's most ancient town and cities, which names and past are being extirpated and erased.

But you know, those "monkeys" are learning the lessons of History, and are using the methods which were proven by the very founders of Israel: namely terrorism, international lobbying and posing as victims. All of those were of great importance in the creation of Israel (look into the history of the British Mandate on Palestine), so why not them becoming the equally glorious foundations of a Palestinian State?

And yes, the clock is ticking, for the sustainability of the current situation is far from guaranteed.
A blooming desert? Well yes, if you neglect the fact that in this area everybody is fighting over water, which is why Israel occupied the Golan for so long, that the Dead Sea is receding, with the Jordan River being used at the utmost, and that Gaza no longer has freshwater in it's wells, since inland excessive pumping has lead to the coastal water tables becoming salty.
And so tells us comparative history, at least if we consider natural the outcome of two much older settlements, which tried to establish their own separate highly civilized states on a cultural (and ethnic basis), but more or less failed, namely Rhodesia and South Africa.

As long as the Right of the Stronger is on their side, good for them, but ultimately, what awaits them is either mingling, being absorbed, leaving or getting crushed, for they won't be able to live forever behind their great wall, ignoring their immediate neighbors while commercing with the rest of the world.

Last edited by JMvS; 2010-05-31 at 11:41.
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