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Old 2010-06-02, 14:58   Link #7631
cho~ kakkoii
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: 3rd Planet
Originally Posted by Jinto View Post
Maybe they could just fill the whole pipe with the iron up to 100m deep. Something like a heat resistent injection needle would be needed (some device that withstands 2500°C and is thinner then the pipe itself).
While that is definitely an idea, it doesn't sound very practical especially since time is the constraint.

As far as I understand, their plan is to drill another hole and start pumping the oil instead of trying to seal that mouth. The argument is that the rate of expulsion slows down from that mouth. What they are not talking about is the risk of another failure which got us into this mess to begin with. The risk is higher this time around since the hurricane season is upon us. Even then we are looking at another two months before such plan can materialize.

I also wonder how the tar will affect the rain in that region. There will be some crazy chemicals in those moisture and I'm sure it won't be unusual too see sporadic acid rain here and there with the right kind of mix.
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