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Old 2010-06-06, 00:45   Link #10848
Join Date: May 2009
Well, someone else has claimed to have written ep3-6, so we at least do have that out. And this person - we can debate her existence and whether she actually did write them all - emphatically denies being the message bottle writer. Fair enough. Let's take her word for it, as ep1-2 are indeed different from ep3-6.

Is it possible that what the "message bottle" author wanted and what the "internet writer" author wanted were completely different things? If a work is a reflection of the author, then perhaps only ep1-2 really detail the desires of "Beatrice" herself. Ep3-6, then, becomes a meditation on the stories "Beatrice" wrote by someone else entirely with different objectives entirely.

This is telling if you look to the meta world. We've seen many different players with many different styles of play, both for the human side and for the GM side. What they actually want is greatly different:
  • Beatrice is trying to get Battler to understand something.
  • Lambda is trying to twist the story for her amusement (or is she?).
  • Battler is trying to protect Beatrice's heart, the integrity of his family, and (perhaps) to resurrect Beatrice through a convoluted miracle.
  • Bern desires to see the "truth" at any cost, ignoring themes and motifs, seeking raw data. Though we can't be totally sure how she intends to go about things until ep7.
None of these characters want the same thing, yet they all tell the same story (roughly) in the same format (sort of). Each story is extremely different, however. What could that mean?
Redaction of the Golden Witch
I submit that a murder was committed in 1996.
This murder was a "copycat" crime inspired by our tales of 1986.
This story is a redacted confession.

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