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Old 2010-06-06, 16:03   Link #2157
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Originally Posted by DragoZERO View Post
The guy is definitely playing with fire so I bet he is being cautious. The first two were awesome and the changes all good, 'cept for what he did to Asuka, how dare he (the fan outcry in Japan must have been scary too).
I'm hoping that Asuka gets an awesome come back in the next films. ^_^

Originally Posted by Reckoner View Post
Ok so it wasn't Anno who said the christian symbols basically mean nothing, but the assistant director in the original series.

Any meaning you attach to the Christian symbolism will hence be your own because in reality they are there just for the sake of being there. It is no different with Rebuild, and in some cases I feel they are pathetically going a little extreme when they put things like halos on the angels.
It's funny how no matter how many times I already have mentioned this quotation, people always bring it up. >_>

That was made around 2002 or something, and was regarding the TV show which I have already stated many times DOES NOT have any real symbolic meaning. The TV series really did just throw stuff around randomly to look cool. None of it symbolically tied together.

But this is 15 years AFTER that TV series. Anno is a changed man and were dealing with an entirely different story.

They also are now aware that there is a Western audience that is familiar with Christianity, so they are probably paying more attention to their use of said symbols.

Any claims that EVA is now a Christian Allegory are obviously premature. While Anno has certainly created a set-up for one, that's all it is, a set-up. Until the next two films come out, we won't be able to tell. We have to be able to see the BIG picture of this story, not just the first half.

But at the very least, it's nice that Anno has taken the time to research things more carefully. He earns a lot of respect from me for that.
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