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Old 2010-06-11, 20:45   Link #34
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Originally Posted by Kagedanji View Post
I haven't watched DtB in a long time until now, so I'm confused at whether or not Amagiri is dead/alive as well. I thought he was alive. Izanami used contractors' own powers to kill them, or she made them kill themselves, right? Being that Amagiri's power was pretty much force pushing iirc, and he isn't in a crater, I don't think Izanami got to him, but people say otherwise. :/

Maybe Kanon just said the wrong thing and now has me confused and unable to sleep from thinking too much.
I've been trying to think of how to explain this, and I found a good way.

Yes, Amagiri died. He fought so hard at the end of his life he tried to continue fighting in death. That's why he didn't fall.

A lot of animes do this. I've seen it in a couple of games I've play. At first I thought the character merely passed out, but when I kept on playing it over and over, I realized he had died.

They say that this can happen in real life due to rigor, but don't quote me on that since I myself don't believe until I see it. I won't deny it could happen either.

I'm a weird fellow, aren't I?

Originally Posted by Haak
Ironically, it was the contractor that had the most personality in that relationship. XD
Lol. True.
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