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Old 2010-06-12, 03:03   Link #2272
Minmay Guard
Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by Reckoner View Post
Fair enough. But my other criticisms of her (My reasons for disliking her in general) are still there. I really hope there will be some sort of saving grace in the next movie regarding her character, something that's actually pretty relevant to the Evangelion universe. Then some of my burning hatred of her will be lifted.
No, I can definitely see where you're coming from and why you dislike her. New character pops in and attempts to steal the show from the established characters...that's ALWAYS a recipe for a split fandom. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Your milage may vary.

To be REALLY honest, the only thing about your post that bugs me is that the term "Mary Sue" gets bandied about SO much that I find it really, really annoying.

Hanging out in Macross discussions (which are my home base, so to speak), you have Sheryl fans calling Ranka a "Mary Sue." You have Ranka fans calling Sheryl a "Mary Sue." You have Alto haters calling him a "Gary Stu."

After a while, it seems like it simply means "A character who I don't like but who is successful in their goals."

But I think it's still a useful term, if used in its original context: a fanfic character who is an idealized authorial proxy.

Simply put, I don't like seeing any good, useful, specific term becoming overgeneralized, mushy, and meaningless.

It's probably already a lost battle, but there ya go.
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