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Old 2010-06-12, 10:08   Link #206
Komrades of Kitamura Kou
Join Date: Jul 2004
Age: 39
First thing's first, if there's anything the show is stellar at it's the way it manages to put together those little events and questions you always had at the start through those minor revelations that in turn signify incredibly important things.

For me that would be the Mochiguman event. We see it again here, which suggests that perhaps Watashi playing the Mochiguman's part might be a consistent event in every reset, but the biggest revelation was the time frame and the little Mochiguman itself. I had assumed that they were both in college but evidently Akashi was still in high school when he saved her. Furthermore I had always wondered where he got the Mochiguman, and it seems he got it when Akashi "dropped" it outside the bus stand.

"Dropped" in quotation marks because I highly suspect that it was not some accident. Yes, I support the theory that Akashi intended to drop it there for him to find. As it stands it's the only explanation how he has the Mochiguman in every reset. I won't pretend to know what she was thinking but I truly believe she dropped it there for him to find, despite the fact that they never really knew each other then, and there was no reason to believe they would ever meet again. Taking further into consideration their VERY IMPORTANT talk in front of the apartment where she comes clean with having faked Keiko after Ozu got bored, this makes me conclude some things:

1. It may be possible that Akashi ending up in the same University as Watashi is more than a simple coincidence.

2. She dropped that Mochiguman because she WANTED to see him again.

3. She may have wanted to continue the Keiko facade not just because she couldn't find a way to break the lies from Watashi, but perhaps she felt it a way to communicate with him in a way that she wouldn't otherwise be able to since they aren't really "that close."

Believing that one and two are likely consistent with every reset, there can only be one conclusion that's pretty much foregone and I'm going to ship it anyway whether you approve of it or not:

Akashi likes Watashi.

There I said it. Quite frankly I always believed in this for weeks but for me this episode was probably the first definitive proof that the Red String of Fate has been trying to work its magic for a while.

This all leads to what it likely the climax of the series, and I agree with Quarkboy and Physics: This time he won't let despair take a hold of his like the previous resets, and he will keep on fighting to find that which he truly desires.

This person, of course, is she whom he saved from those mooks at the Mochiguman show.
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