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Old 2004-09-12, 16:51   Link #249
Team Player
Join Date: Apr 2004
Yes, Gokusen is cheesy, but so is GTO most of the time. They're both good shows.

Synopsis: Gokusen stars Yamaguchi Kumiko, who has wanted to be a teacher like her late father ever since she was a little girl. Her dreams are fulfilled, but she is placed with the usual class of misfits and ne'er-do-wells, none of whom are willing to give the new teacher the time of day. Yamaguchi has a big secret, though - she is the granddaughter and only heir of the head of the Oedo group, one of the most feared Yakuza families around. Using the toughness, loyalty and streetsmarts she gained through her upbringing in the group, she tackles the problems of a teacher and deals with her 'precious punks'. (13 episodes, no ending)

I definately recommend checking this show out when it gets released.
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