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Old 2010-06-26, 17:23   Link #11773
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Originally Posted by delita-umw- View Post
It's been argued that Rokkenjima could actually be a former military base and that's the cause of the end game explosion right? I know there's a lot of debate over whether the whole bomber theory makes sense in the context of the murders, but if we look at the presence of this theoretical M16, we could be looking at a base explosion that no one knows about. It's a pretty big stretch I know, but I'll keep that thought tucked away.
Unfortunately this particular hypothetical weapon cannot be a hint for the existence of a military base for the simple reason that at the time 5.56 round was introduced, Rokkenjima was already the property of Kinzo and populated by Kinzo and family for ten years -- not very suitable to create a new military base, as it would be hard to conceal the required shipping from random discovery by civilians, i.e. his children. Japanese SDF did not use 5.56 up until 1989 as far as I can see.

If a military base of any kind existed on Rokkenjima, it would have been an Imperial Japanese Army or Navy base, as an American one simply never had a chance to be built in secret, while a Japanese base could have been there since, well, forever.

EDIT: Correction, JSDF did, at least, use imported and locally produced licensed M-16 and friends since the early 70s, but the argument still stands.
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