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Old 2010-06-27, 17:12   Link #2378
Bittersweet Distractor
Join Date: Nov 2007
Age: 32
Originally Posted by C.A. View Post
Its more like its a problem to yourself because you cannot relate to the context of Rebuild and thus cannot connect to characters now.

You use 'we', but I'm very sure 'we', do not represent many of us.

Even in this thread itself, Asuka fans have already expressed that we didn't feel bad for Asuka and can accept Mari. We're also looking forward to Asuka's return with the eyepatch.
Hmm. I used "we" because I'm sure we pretty much all liked the original Evangelion? If not I'm not sure why any of you would be here. Other than that I used "I." Please reread the way I worded my post.

Anyhow, I'm not going to debate how I phrase my sentences. You understand my sentiments and I understand yours, lets discuss that rather than the meaningless semantics of the conversation at hand.

And if you like this Asuka better, then fine. I like the old Asuka better. If you like both Asuka from NGE and rebuild just the same, then that's also fine.

In the end, I still think the old Asuka has far more depth (thus far), personality, and flare than this new Asuka. One thing the Asuka in Rebuild clearly failed to do that the old Asuka was able to do in NGE was inject more excitement, and flare into the series. She gave it more life, stirred the characters around (Particularly Shinji), and added more drama (As did Kaji).

Perhaps this flare was supposed to be replaced by good ol' Mari, but that's a totally different sort of flare that just feels completely out of place in the Evangelion universe, but I've already gone enough about her and you can reread my earlier posts to find my sentiments on that character.
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