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Old 2010-06-28, 20:33   Link #12026
Mystery buff
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Gone Fishin!
Originally Posted by Leafsnail View Post
I just thought...

Why are there no gunshot noises? Take the first twilight in ep 3, for instance. Someone apparently went around the mansion shooting all the servants (or tricking them, or whatever). Wouldn't the cracking of the gun be quite... noticable to anyone awake? In addition, wouldn't it wake anyone still asleep?

Same for the first FT (assuming that was done with a gun) and the entire 4th episode (wouldn't he at least hear distant shots?).
We know they hear gun shots when Natsuhi is killed and I assume Battler and Eva heard it when Nanjo was killed.

The noise really has been a problem though and that's one reason why Renall suggested someone brought a pistol to the island. The winchesters are just too loud. You might be able to get away with that in some cases, but episode 4 is problematic.

There are also ways to make homemade silencers, but it's very illegal even here in America.

EDIT: Then again sawing off a winchester like that is illegal here too. It might not be too out there.
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