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Old 2010-07-30, 03:42   Link #7051
Are you a lolicon? :3
Join Date: Aug 2009
Ah, I see that you guys are still over analyzing every single bit of information you can come across from the anime and manga and trying to bring it up from an objective perspective as well.


Yeah, right....

Anyway, the latest chapter was quite nice. Thumbs up for Hata and how he pushed a step forward Ayumu & Nagi's relationships. I don't believe for a second that Nagi's excuse to bring Ayumu back was a lie. She actually overcame her tsundere personality for a moment, and told her her true feelings.


A nice step forward. And Ayumu is direct like always, though perhaps a little overreacting, because of the moment.

Also I'd like to add how Hayate managed to masterfully outwit Ayumu when she was trying to make him realize that it was her birthday. Quite painful to watch, though....

Oh, and any idea when is the double issue? Will we see a chapter this week or the next? I remember a few months ago how there wasn't any HnG for at least two, if not three weeks. This place practically died. Hahaha...
And then.. sharks eat them! Hahahahah!!
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