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Old 2010-07-31, 08:10   Link #16
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2009
I am about 20 hours into the game. I think I am at a point when The quest system becomes less 'Tight'. You start reaching a point when you don't know what to do and you end up wasting a lot of time. The traveling system is pretty neat but the penalty for travel is too high imo. I found it more productive to just stay in one town and do quests that are around that area. You're leveling your character's fighting abilities. If you are close to town you can get frequent heals. And being near town means you're doing each and every alchemy quests that gets sent your way. Great for leveling alchemy. The story is also weakening. All the skits basically de-evolve into simple stereotyped scenarios that are played out for every character combination. The beautiful thing is that I never feel too strong or too weak because there are always monsters that are stronger than you. Beating those strong foes becomes a motivation for your effort. You want to do lots of alchemy so that you have the items needed to defeat bosses.

All in all, I'm really enjoying it. Great game. It is purposeful, It's design is very polished, nothing less from a game that has re-iterated seventh billioth time.
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