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Old 2010-08-08, 02:02   Link #13
Mr. Wang
Scholar of Yanderes
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Haramihama
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Love... well, as most people have been saying, attraction at first sight and love at first sight are two things that are interchangeably mixed around. Love, is a very complex feeling, and that feeling is very gradual and dynamic, and it changes as the object of said love changes over the times, doing certain things, having certain personalities, and ect. Sure, you see one girl and treat her like she's nothing special. That doesn't mean that that's exactly going to be not meant to be something. She could secretly be the girl of your dreams, for all you know. You can see a girl that is probably the object of your tastes and attractions, and eventually get to learn that she's (pardon my French) a complete slut. And I happen to know this from experience, unfortunately.

In a nutshell, love can be very unpredictable, a dynamic and constantly moving entity, if you will. Can love at first sight exist? Yeah, I think there are times. Does that love often get mistaken for being simply attracted to certain qualities (and not restricted to physical attractiveness)? Of course. For me, it takes time to truly tell whether or not you love someone, or perhaps your heart skips a beat and you have a crush on someone. Love just takes time to realize. Feelings don't simply change overnight, or in a minute. That said, with passing of time, nothing in this world doesn't change.

Okay, I apologize for my lengthy speech on love...
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