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Old 2010-08-15, 11:36   Link #17
Komrades of Kitamura Kou
Join Date: Jul 2004
Age: 39
Okay God and schedule willing I'll probably be posting summaries again for this episode like I did for the entirety of episode 5 and halfway through episode 6 (Ep6 got so complicated that I simply couldn't muster the brain power to finish it). As I said before this is equal parts every bit of Japanese I learned in college, a pair of dictionaries and a machine translator.

Again these will only be summaries of the text and not the actual text and dialogue itself, and do not expect them to be completely accurate. They are not intended to be substitutes for a well-oiled translation team ala Witchunt, they are only meant to be... supplementary at best. Like before, feel free to correct me when I fuck up along the way (which is to say a good amount of the time ).

My friend's copy arrives tomorrow and I'll end up borrowing it as I'm too poor for my own copy right now. I'll start probably Tuesday. Here's to hoping it's not as complex and technical as Ep6 was, damn that was a headache.
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