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Old 2004-09-23, 02:57   Link #4675
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Netherlands, Maastricht
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Anbu_33
ok guys , a friend challenged me in one of those photoshop forums , its just a sig making face off , hehe , so brought what i did so you people can tell me what you think , took me 3+ hours , even if doesnt look like it , hehehe

Looks cool, the guy looks like he might be from some awesome pixelartist or something. That aside, I think hobo is right, and perhaps you should lower the scanlines layer to below the dude layer (that's if you still have the .psd and if you worked in layers ). Also, because you used diagonal lines in the background (which overlap with the gun btw), I don't think a 45 degree scanline is the way to go. Maybe a linear horizontal one (heck, perhaps a vertical one), may look better perhaps bits of it highlighted by the burn tool to add to the grungy feel. I can't help but thinking that the gun is way too small for the way he's holding it though, but that may just be me >_<
I dunno, I'm not a fan of all the fancyness around the border, but still, good looking sig. 8/10

And aahhsin should learn the ways of the enormously good players of Counter-Strike, where "One shot, Two Kills" apply

Edit: I guess I can rate hobo too :/

hobobaggins - You picked a nice picture, good colour scheme, nice lightning, romantic "/l/-girls-in-love" theme. It's all good, until I meet that big fat black inner border that is, what? 15 pixels placed to the inside? It's a fake excuse for a no border man, you should know better
IMO it'll look better without the border. 6.5/10
Point deduction for size aswell, I'm not a fan of such large sigs.
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