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Old 2003-12-04, 21:15   Link #1
Afflicted by the vanities
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Fish-shape Paumanok
Age: 36
Five worthy series

If the world was going to blow up tomorrow, and you had to choose the only five anime series that would survive Armageddon, which would you pick?

I would have to choose
1. Card Captor Sakura
2. Love Hina (discard everything after the Christmas special... Love Hina Again can burn in hell )
3. Azumanga Daioh
4. Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
5. Haibane Renmei

Remember, everything else would get destroyed forever... some people might call me cruel for discarding Evangelion, or Cowboy Bebop, or Trigun, or Chobits, or Hikaru no Go, or Naruto, or Dragonball Z (blech), but that's why you get to make your own list.
Learn to define and spell moé
Shii (formerly known as ashibaka)
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