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Old 2010-08-26, 18:04   Link #17
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2007
Originally Posted by Deathkillz View Post
I do read manga
oh ok, though I get the feeling you might be already reading some of these.

Vinland Saga
(thread at AS). bad ass main character. epic fights. plenty of action. nice story/storyline about vikings! you should definitely check this one out if you haven't already.

Ubel Blatt
(thread at AS). bad ass main character. story is a bit convoluted, especially at the beginning, but if you are only looking for action/adventure/fighting you will find plenty.

Witch Hunter
(thread at AS). bad ass main character. interesting artwork. story is about Witch Hunters vs. Witches---a bit convoluted, though. but plenty of action/adventure.

Rappi Rangai
(thread at AS). plenty of action. good humor. nice story. though the main character may not be to your liking.

Break Blade
(thread at AS). I think you had probably watched the anime, but it doesn't hurt to recommend the manga. nice story, nice characters, plenty of action + mecha.

1/2 Prince
. (thread at AS) This is probably the one that comes the closest to the shounen/rpg thing you are looking for. the manga contains different elements you would associate to online gaming (mmorpg). plenty of action as well. (oh and there's Sword of Art Online, if you are interested in light novels---currently translated at B-T)

Superior (thread at AS). action/adventure with an interesting plot. has humor, interesting characters, plenty of action as well.

Breath of Fire IV
(B-U Link). lol. not sure why I'm recommending this. it comes straight from an rpg. gorgeous artwork, likable characters, good story.

Fairy Tail
(thread at AS). I get the feeling you might be already familiar with this thanks to the anime. but I think the manga tells the same story much better.

(B-U Link). plenty of action. nice characters. slightly reminded me of Pandora Hearts.

. the latter chapters have all the epic action/fighting/adventure you want.

One Piece
. I know you said not to recommend this, but the manga contains all the epic action/fighting/adventure you may be looking for. I haven't watched the anime, though.
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