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Old 2010-09-05, 20:45   Link #271
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Originally Posted by Slayerx View Post
I think "Survived getting CUT IN HALF" would be a much more blatant example...
those espada sure are flimsy by comparison

Actually I find toshiro to be another blatent example to how screwed up the power levels are in bleach...
When he first fought the fraccion, he stated that he felt that they only won because of the surprise factor from their limit break; he thought they were in real deep shit
Then along comes Luppi, temporary espada #6 (who was easily killed by the real #6), who manages to give Toshiro serious trouble and knocks him out for a while; Toshiro beat him in the end, but it was only with a huge surprise attack... and now we have Halibel, Espada #3... she should be VASTLY stronger than the previous arrancar and yet he was still holding his own for the most part... she was stronger than Luppi but it seemed like it was only by a relatively small margin, because honestly, by all logic she probably should have finished him in seconds
But Toshiro was forced to use his strongest attack
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